Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Oh that pesky Oracle outer join symbol (+)

Here are three tables, named A, A2Z and Z that I want to outer join from left to right:

The first table, A, contains the (primary keys) 1 through 7. I want my select to return each of these, that's why I use an outer join. A's column i is outer joined to A2Z's column ia:
A.i = A2Z.ia (+).
The (+) symbol indicates that a record should be returned even if there is no matching record. Note, the (+) is on the side of the = where "missing" records are expected.

Now, the records in A2Z should be joined to Z if A2Z's column flg is equal to y (colored green in the graphic above). For example, for the 1 in A, I expected the query to return the a in Z, for the 2 in A I expect no matching record in Z since the corresponding flg is either null or not equal to y.
This requirement can be implemented with a
A2Z.flg (+) = 'y'
Note, the (+) is on the side where missing records (or null values) are expected. Since y is neither missing nor null, it goes to the other side.

Finally, A2Z needs to be joined to Z:
A2Z.iz = Z.i (+)

Complete SQL Script

create table A (i number(1) primary key); create table Z (i char (1) primary key); create table A2Z ( ia not null references A, flg char(1) not null, iz char(1) not null ); insert into A values (1); insert into A values (2); insert into A values (3); insert into A values (4); insert into A values (5); insert into A values (6); insert into A values (7); insert into Z values ('a'); insert into Z values ('b'); insert into Z values ('c'); insert into Z values ('d'); insert into A2Z values (1, 'y', 'a' ); insert into A2Z values (1, 'n', 'b' ); insert into A2Z values (2,null, 'c' ); insert into A2Z values (2, 'q', 'd' ); insert into A2Z values (3, 'y', 'e' ); insert into A2Z values (4, , 'f' ); insert into A2Z values (5, 'y', null); insert into A2Z values (6, 'v', null); select A.i a_i, Z.i z_i from A, A2Z, Z where A.i = A2Z.ia (+) and A2Z.flg (+) = 'y' and A2Z.iz = Z.i (+) order by A.i; drop table A2Z purge; drop table Z purge; drop table A purge;

When run, the select returns the following records:

       A_I Z
---------- -
         1 a
Source code on github

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